About us

20 years... 1994. - 2014.


Nerimar ltd. Matulji is a family company existing since 1994.

Nerimar vozni park

We are engaged in purchasing, processing and distribution of fresh Adriatic fish, crustaceans, and mollusks as well as in distribution of imported frozen fish. The company specializes in supplying restaurants and hotels. For almost twenty years we have been committed to continuously improve our services and raise our quality standards while taking into account the desires and needs of our customers and putting them first, thus creating a positive company image. With 5 refrigerated vehicles we offer a fast and efficient transport service, which enables us to deliver the products within 24 hours of receiving an order. We are especially proud of our assortment of fresh Adriatic fish and crustaceans, including the procedure of their processing and packaging in frozen condition to be able to offer them in periods of reduced fishing activity.

Our company owns a warehouse for the storage and packaging of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, which is also listed in the register of authorized facilities under the number HR 2133 EU. Moreover, in 2007 we implemented the HACCP system of self-control for healthcare and food safety (Hazard analysis and critical points controls), monitored by the Veterinary inspection office and applied to the storage, processing and transport of our products to the customers.

The headquarters and the warehouse are located in Jušići 104, near Matulji on the riviera of Opatija, 7 km away from the sea, 20 km from the border of Pasjak (SLO) and 12 km from the border of Rupa (SLO).


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